
J train Wonders

The electronic wave of The XX’s “ Intro ” makes its way into my ear drums, letting me know its time for me to wake up-6:00 A.M. My whole body aches as I stretch in bed. Maybe I could sleep for a little bit longer? My scrawny body tries to convince my mind that missing one day of school wouldn’t hurt.  “Why couldn’t I just have been a bum?”  After about 10 minutes of internally fighting with myself, I finally decided it was now or never. Following the daily routine of getting ready, I left my house just in time to catch the J train. This was my favorite part of the morning. The train cart had a maximum of ten people in it –perfect. That was definitely one of the perks of living in the middle of nowhere Woodhaven. I sat at my usual window seat and closed my eyes as I enjoyed the bumpy journey; which for me acted as a mother rocking its baby to sleep. Growing up in New York City, riding on uneven trains was my lullaby; something about familiarity always gave me the best sleep. ...

Hunter Hassle

Hunter Hassle from Monisha Rahman on Vimeo . "Hunter Hassle" is a short film about one college student's experience of being late to class. The student comes out of the 68th street, Hunter College train station and rushes her way through to get inside the college. This film was influenced by our experience of constantly being late to our classes. In the end, a student gets to the 10th floor but finds out that her class was cancelled.

What I Hear

Evelina Baranovskaya talks about her move to America.

Woodhaven Sunrise

It was 6am and I felt like I had to get out of there. I snuck off to the roof and laid on the uneven bumpy tar until I knew for sure everyone had left. The air felt so brisk and peaceful. Just laying there for a while immediately made me feel better. Being on the roof always brought back memories of the summer. I closed my eyes and I could hear July 4 th play over in my head as the smell of Barbeque filled my nostrils. I opened my eyes to see the sky change from black to blue. Today was different; it wasn’t about celebration…it was about clarity. As I laid there thinking about what had just happened, I closed my eyes again and listened to the world. I scratched the tar against the grain and it sounded like what I would imagine a crackle in a fire in the middle of winter to sound like. As the sky turned lighter and sun shinned brighter the birds started to chirp. Flying over me in unison they moved in the shape of an arrowhead. I could hear the breeze ever so slightly touch the lea...

Define a Space

Define a Space from Monisha Rahman on Vimeo .

Artist Statement

I realized I wanted to be an active member of the world of advertising when I understood that it was the simplest and most effective way of managing the mind of the masses. Advertising is a window into your psyche that alters your perspective of the world around you. It takes something of regular standard and makes it into something extraordinary. It's about creating a lifestyle. We live in a world where we have become so brainwashed that we don't even realize that we're advertising for companies all the time. Everything that we believe to be true is only so because that's how it was presented to us. We eat up anything that makes us feel something, something that catches our attention. We don't become conscious of this right away or perhaps ever, but its presence in our lives is overwhelming. I hope to accomplish a sense of style and flair in film in this class. I know that I want to go into advertising and produce something that impacts people's lives for longe...